Byte Addressing
In this configuration example, Input Words are set to 64, Output Words are set to 64 and Addressing is
set to Byte Boundaries.
When the OK button is clicked, the following DeviceNet Protocol dialog box will appear. The valid
address ranges are shown for all types of variables.
When byte addressing is selected, the valid address ranges appear in a different format in the
DeviceNet Protocol dialog box.
The number of words selected will determine the range limits for each variable type. The variable type
names are fixed and are displayed in a cell corresponding to the addressing type. For example, in the
following dialog box, the number of Input Words is set to 64. The variable name for Input Bits is I and
the range for 64 words is I0.0 to I127.7. Output Words are also set to 64, so the variable name for bit
Outputs is Q, with the range of Q0.0 to Q127.7.
A byte is 8 bits, therefore the addressing method is to use a period as the bit delimiter in the addressing
format. For example, I0.0 is bit 0 of Word 0, and I0.7 is bit 7 of Word 0.