Unplug the accent light from the panel harness by pull-
ing straight out of the light.
Replace the accent light by pressing the side lamp lock
tabs (Blue Plastic) and pushing it through the mounting
hole. (See Figure 20)
Re-install all components in reverse order to finish the
lamp replacement.
Plug the terminal connectors into the light harness.
Connect the light switch on the front panel and test be-
fore re-assembly of all components.
In order to maintain your
Pizza Oven in clean working order, it will be necessary, under cer-
tain conditions, to take additional precautions.
If your oven is located in a coastal area, it will be exposed to salty air which is corrosive.
If it is located close to a swimming pool or Jacuzzi with chlorinated water, then it will be exposed to dilute
hydrochloric acid which can be formed as a result of chlorine compounds used in the pool causing chlo-
rine to be combined with hydrogen and water in the atmosphere.
Also, muriatic acid (another name for hydrochloric acid) is used to maintain the correct ph balance in the
pool water. Chlorine is an oxidizing agent, and as such, it can promote rapid corrosion or other oxidizing
processes which can damage various materials.
Type 304 stainless steel is highly resistant to corrosion but given enough exposure to such corrosive
conditions, it might succumb to some degree, such that pitting or rusting may occur. Our Pizza Oven ma-
terials have been tested in saline solutions with higher salinity than sea water, and they have been test-
ed in highly chlorinated solutions.
They have also been tested by exposure to highly acidic foods. During and after these tests, we found
these materials were able to withstand exposure over prolonged periods of time. However, the above
mentioned corrosive substances, along with neglect, can lead to a situation whereby conditions might
combine to cause some damage to occur.
Therefore, we suggest that you always keep your
Pizza Oven clean, dry and covered when
not in use.
This is even more important when long term storage is intended; always store the oven clean, dry and
covered with your
Pizza Oven cover.
Also, do not allow any food particles or grease to be left inside your oven, as this will attract rodents
which, in addition to being undesirable from an hygienic standpoint, are likely to cause physical damage
to your oven.
Figure # 20