Alcorn McBride Light Cue Pro User’s Guide • July 15, 2010 Page 41
<universe 0x90> <output index + 0x3C> 0x40
The universe number starts at 1. Use 0x00 for ALL universes.
Here is an example “Pile On Cue #1” message sent from an PC
(address 0xFF) to a LightCuePro on Universe 1.
0x91 0x3C 0x40
Clear Cue with "NOTE OFF"
The NOTE OFF message can be used clear (stop) a specific cue
that has been piled on. If this cue number is the only cue, all
playback stops.
<universe 0x80> <output index + 0x3C> 0x40
The universe number starts at 1. Use 0x00 for ALL universes. Here
is an example “Pile On Cue #1” message sent from an PC (address
0xFF) to a LightCuePro on Universe 1.
0x81 0x3C 0x40