Page 14 Alcorn McBride Light Cue Pro User’s Guide • July 15, 2010
See Section on "Channel
Sets" for more details
on creating a specific
set of DMX Channels
for Record or
Channels that match the "
Highlight Channel Set
" will be
displayed in
Channels that are being "
" are displayed in
. To force
a channel, use the "Control DMX" screen or front panel to set a
DMX channel to a specific value.
Control DMX
Hint: Go to the menu:
Tools-->Options to
display a DMX channel
value in percent or 0-
255 value
Hint: You can use
sliders combined with
the "Record" screen to
record a certain DMX
File for playback.
In LightCue Manager, DMX channels on all 4 universes can be
forced to a specific value using sliders.
Once a slider is moved by a user, a checkbox at the bottom of the
slider will automatically be checked indicating that the user is
the DMX channel to a specific value. The monitoring
screens will now show that channel in red.
remove the force
, uncheck the box at the bottom of the slider.