Sensor locking
All sensor data stored in the connector EEPROM can be protected by means
of a graduated locking function against undesired access.
5.1.2 Measuring operations
A total of up to 4 measuring channels are available for 1 transducer; i.e. it is
also possible to evaluate double sensors, individually scaled sensors, and sen-
sors with function channels. You can move forwards or backwards from one
measuring channel to the next using the keypad. The selected measuring point
is by default assigned preferred status and is scanned at half the measuring
rate; all other active channels are also scanned but in the background (semi-
continuous mode). The data is output on the display and, if available, to an
analog output. To shorten the response time when there are several measur-
ing points the measuring rate can be set to continuous and increased accord -
Measured values
The measured value for the selected measuring point is shown continuously
with autozero and, as and when necessary, with measured value correction.
With most sensors, sensor breakage is detected automatically (except for con-
nectors with shunt, dividers, or additional electronics).
Analog output and scaling
Each measuring point can be scaled by means of analog start and analog end
(also via the keypad) in such a way that the measuring range thus defined cov-
ers the full range of the analog output (2 V, 10 V, or 20 mA). At the analog out-
put the device can output the measured value from any measuring point or a
programmed value.
Measuring functions
With some sensors, to achieve optimal measured value acquisition, certain
special measuring functions are required. These include e.g. cold junction
compensation for thermocouples and temperature and atmospheric pressure
compensation for certain humidity variables.
Measured value smoothing
Measured values of an unstable or strongly fluctuating nature can be smoothed
by means of a sliding average over a number of values programmable from 2
to 99.
Maximum and minimum values
For each measuring operation the maximum value and minimum value are ac-
quired and saved to memory. These values can then be displayed, output, or
deleted from memory.
Measured value memory
A measured value in the display can be saved by simply pressing a key.