5. Introduction
5.1.3 Process control
To record the measured values from all connected sensors in digital form mea-
suring point scanning is performed continuously with measured value output
according to a time-based process control. This may be per cycle or, if really
rapid results are required, at the measuring rate itself. The measuring opera-
tion can be started and stopped via the interface by means of an external trig-
ger signal or by a specified limit value being exceeded.
Date and time-of-day
Date and time-of-day can be freely set and then used in the logging of measur-
ing operations. When the batteries are replaced these date and time-of-day
settings are lost and have to be reset.
The cycle can be programmed to any value between 00:00:01 (1 second) and
59:59:59 hh:mm:ss. This function permits cyclic output of measured values to
the interfaces and cyclic calculation of average values.
Print cycle factor
The print cycle factor can be used to limit data output from particular channels;
this may be necessary in order to reduce excessive data flow especially while
data is being saved.
Averaging over measuring point scans
The measured values from measuring point scans can be averaged either over
the whole measuring duration or over the specified cycle. These average val-
ues can then be output and saved on a cyclic basis to function channels pro-
vided for this purpose.
Measuring rate
All measuring points are scanned at the measuring rate (2.5 or 10 mops). To
accelerate recording it is also possible to output all measured values at this
measuring rate via the interface.
Control outputs
Output relays and analog outputs can be individually addressed via the inter-
All data logs, measured values, and programming parameters can be output to
any peripheral equipment. RS232, RS422, USB, and Ethernet interfaces are
available using the appropriate interface cables. Measured data can be output
in list, column, or table format. Files in table format can be processed directly
using any standard spreadsheet software. The print header can be pro-
grammed to refer specifically to your company or to your application.
devices can be addressed and can be easily networked by sim-
ply linking them together via network cable or over longer distances via an in-
ternal RS485 interface (option) or RS422 network distributors.
(interface functions, see Manual Ch 6, not type L)