Version October 2014
agru SP 63-mobile User’s Manual
When a line with a diameter entry is selected, another similar screen
shows, in which the same can then be done for the wall thickness/SDR.
When a wall thickness entry is selected in that screen and the MENU
key is pressed, a new selection menu appears with the options “Edit
Branch,” “Delete Branch,” and “Delete Tree.”
The “branch” meant by the menu options is the set of a user-defined
component material, its size, and its wall thickness or SDR value, e. g.
50 mm PE pipe with a 2.3 mm wall, that is, SDR 22. Selecting the “Edit
Branch” option, then, allows modifying the welding parameters applicable
to that material, size, and wall thickness in the same way as they are
entered for the first time, as described above.
The “Delete Branch” option can be selected to delete the “branch” of ma-
terial, diameter, wall thickness, along with its welding parameters, along
which the selection screen was accessed. Deleting has to be confirmed
in another safety screen. If this wall thickness or SDR is the only one
left for the pipe diameter in question, then the diameter is deleted from
the data “tree” too. And if the thus deleted diameter is the only one left
for this material, the entire material is deleted.
By selecting the “Delete Tree” option, it is possible to delete
tional, user-defined parameters. Here too, deleting is possible only after
cofirming it in a safety message. After deleting them, only the default
materials with which the machine is shipped, remain.
If the material that was used in the last welding operation is
deleted, then the next welding operation of necessity requires
a new material to be selected for welding.
The screen for selecting to edit or to delete a “branch” or the
entire “tree” of welding parameters is not accessible right away
and requires selecting the “branch” to be edited or deleted via
three selection screens (material, diameter, wall thickness/
Fastening the Mechanical Structure of the Machine
The mechanical structure (chassis) of the machine is fastened to or
unfastened from the base plate using the lock frames that the black
anodized-aluminum legs of the structure plug into (see left-hand drawing
for reference). The leg is secured inside the frame by the fastening latch
at its back (seen only in the right-hand drawing), which, in turn, is kept
in place by the lock flap hooked into the fastening latch and then tilted
towards the back, along the leg. The traction excercised on the fasten-
ing latch by the flap can be adjusted by shortening or lengthening the
threaded pin that hooks into its mate at the edge of the latch.
The grooves in the base plate help slide the legs of the mechanical
structure into the lock frames into which the plug.