Version October 2014
agru SP 63-mobile User’s Manual
chine. To make a material available in this screen, it has to be
entered previously with all its technical welding parameters in
the configuration menu.
Entering Traceability Data for the Joint
After the welder identification code was entered, the traceability data for
the joint can be entered after the STOP/RESET key was pressed at the
default screen (see Sect. 4.3).If no traceability data are entered, those
currently saved to memory will be assigned to the next welding. This
means that no data input is needed if the data for the last joint that was
welded can be re-used for the next welding operation.
The input routine is identical for all additional/traceability data: selection
in the list reproduced in Display 6 using the
arrow keys (welder ID
code (but see Sect. 4.1 for this particular input), commission number,
additional data such as place or particularities of the joint, installing
company), confirmation in order to open the screen for entering that in-
formation using the MENU key, input of data with the keypad, and finally
confirmation of that input by pressing the START/SET key.
4.5 Definition of Welding Parameters for Additional Materials
The configuration menu (see section 4.2) has an option “Extra Param-
eters” in its “Advanced Parameters” submenu which allows defining
parameters the machine should use that are not yet preinstalled.
If no additional, operator-defined parameters have been saved to system
memory, the unit displays an input screen that allows entering the name
(max. 5 characters) of the material for which the parameters for weld-
ing it shall be defined. Enter the name on the keypad (see Display 8)
and confirm it by pressing START/SET. The machine moves on to the
next input screen, in which a pipe diameter for this material has to be
entered in the same way. After having confirmed this input by “OK” once
more, another screen allows entering the wall thickness for this material
and size. After the wall thickness, the pressure level per SDR has to be
entered in the next screen. After this, define the welding parameters for
the material just entered, e.g. 50 mm PE pipe with a wall 2.3 mm thick
(SDR 22). To define them, the unit walks the operator through a series
of input screens in which the following can be entered: joining force,
heating time, cooling time, heating element temperature, force ramp,
facing force, preheat time. All inputs are made using the keypad and
saved by pressing START/SET. The definition of an extra material can
be cancelled in any screen by pressing the STOP/RESET key. This will
delete all parameters that were already entered for the extra material
being defined.
If additional, user-defined welding parameters have already been entered
and saved previously, the unit shows a list of alle defined materials or
the entry “- - - - -” wherever no material is saved to an existing slot (see
Display 9). As usual, with the
cursor keys, a line may be selected
and the selection, confirmed by the MENU key. (When the
cursor key
is pressed at the last entry of a list, the cursor moves to the first entry
of that list.)
If an empty entry is selected, a new material with all its welding param-
eters can be entered for it, as described above. When a line with a mate-
rial is selected, pressing the MENU key will move you on to a screen of
the same kind with all diameters associated with the previously selected
material. On this screen, the material can be added a new diameter after
the selection of an empty entry, “- - mm,” and pressing the MENU key.
This launches the above-described input process, not for the material,
but for the size.
Display 9
Extra Material Menu
Display 8
** Enter Material **
Display 7
>Enter Welder -M-
Enter Comm. No. -M-
Enter Add. Data -M-
Enter Instal.Co.-M-