Output Subsystem
Series N6700 User’s Guide
OUTPut[:STATe]:DELay:RISE {<delay>|MIN|MAX}, (@<chanlist>)
OUTPut[:STATe]:DELay:RISE? (@<chanlist>)
This command sets the delay in seconds that the instrument waits
before enabling the specified output. It affects all off-to-on transitions
including changes in the OUTPut:STATe as well as transitions due to
OUTPut:PROTection:CLEar. Delay times can range from 0 to 1.023
seconds in increments of 1 millisecond.
This command allows multiple output channels to turn on in a
controlled manner. Each output will not turn on until its delay time
has elapsed.
The *RST value = 0.
This command selects the mode of operation of the Inhibit input
(INH). The inhibit function shuts down ALL output channels in
response to an external signal on the Inhibit input. If an output
channel has been turned off by OUTPut[:STATe], the inhibit function
does not affect the output channel while it is in the OFF state. The
Inhibit mode setting is stored in non-volatile memory.
The following modes can be selected:
Causes a logic-true transition on the Inhibit input to disable all outputs. The
outputs remain disabled until the Inhibit input is returned to logic-false and the
latched INH status bit is cleared by sending the OUTP:PROT:CLE command or a
protection clear command from the front panel.
Allows the enabled outputs to follow the state of the Inhibit input. When the
Inhibit input is true, the outputs are disabled. When the Inhibit input is false,
the outputs are re-enabled.
The Inhibit input is ignored.
This command determines if the power-on state is set to the *RST
(RST) state or the instrument state stored in memory location 0
(RCL0). The parameter is saved in non-volatile memory. Instrument
states can be stored using the *SAV command.
Refer to *RST and *RCL under “System Commands” for more