Source Subsystem
Series N6700 User’s Guide
[SOURce:]LIST:COUNt {<count>|MIN|MAX|INFinity}, (@<chanlist>)
[SOURce:]LIST:COUNt? (@<chanlist>)
This command sets the number of times that the list is executed
before it is completed. Applies only to models with list capability.
The range is 1 through 256. Use INFinity to execute a list indefinitely.
In this case, use ABORt:TRANsient to stop the list.
The *RST value = 1.
[SOURce:]LIST:CURRent[:LEVel] <curr> {,<curr>}, (@<chanlist>)
[SOURce:]LIST:CURRent[:LEVel]? (@<chanlist>)
This command specifies the current setting for each list step in
amperes. Applies only to models with list capability. A comma-
delimited list of up to 512 steps may be programmed.
The *RST value = 1 step with a value of MIN.
[SOURce:]LIST:CURRent:POINts? (@<chanlist>)
This query returns the number of points (steps) programmed in the
current list. Applies only to models with list capability.
[SOURce:]LIST:DWELl <time> {,<time>}, (@<chanlist>)
[SOURce:]LIST:DWELl? (@<chanlist>)
This command specifies the dwell time for each list step. Applies only
to models with list capability. A comma-delimited list of up to 512
steps may be programmed. Dwell time is the time that the output will
remain at a specific step. Dwell times can be programmed from 0 to
262.143 seconds with the following resolution:
Range in seconds
0 to 0.262143
1 microsecond
0 to 2.62143
10 microseconds
0 to 26.2143
100 microseconds
0 to 262.143
1 millisecond
At the end of the dwell time, the output state of the unit depends
upon the LIST:STEP program settings. See LIST:STEP
The order in which the values are entered determines the sequence
when the list executes.
The *RST value = 1 step with a value of 0.001.