November 29, 1999
4B945C to 4B965B(H) - Latest 64 error codes (Read only)
One error record consists of 8 bytes of data.
First error record start address – 4B945C(H)
Second error record start address – 4B9464(H)
Third error record start address – 4B946C(H)
: : :
64th error record start address - 469654(H)
The format is as follows:
1st byte - Minute (BCD)
2nd byte - Hour (BCD)
3rd byte - Day (BCD)
4th byte - Month (BCD)
5th byte - Error code (low) [If the error code is 1-23, 23 is stored here.
6th byte - Error code (high) [If the error code is 1-23, 01 is stored here.
7th byte - Communication line used
00(H): PSTN, 0C(H): ISDN G3, 0D(H): ISDN G4
4BCAB4 to 4BD1BB(H) - Latest 20 error communication records
One error communication record consists of 90 bytes. The format is as follows:
1st byte - Header
Bit 0: Communication result
0: OK, 1: NG
Bit 1: Document jam
1: Occurred
Bit 2: Power down
1: Occurred
Bit 3: Not used
Bit 4: Technical data printout instead of personal codes 0: No, 1: Yes
Bit 5: Type of technical data
0: Rx level, 1: Measure of error rate
Bit 6: Error report
0: Not printed, 1: Printed
Bit 7: Data validity
0: Not valid, 1: Valid
2nd byte - Not used
3rd to 7th bytes - Date and time when the communication started
3rd byte - Year (BCD)
4th byte - Month (BCD)
5th byte - Day (BCD)
6th byte - Hour (BCD)
7th byte - Minute (BCD)
8th and 9th bytes - Communication time
8th byte - Minutes (BCD)
9th byte - Seconds (BCD)
10th byte - Not used
11th and 12th bytes - Number of pages transmitted or received
11th byte - Low byte (Hex)
12th byte - High byte (Hex)