(40-bit or 128-bit), and whether printing, content copying and extraction, and other changes
are allowed. Just before saving the file, check the Summary to see a list of all your PDF file-
creation settings and ensure everything is set up as intended.
Streamline Adobe PDF file creation by saving all your settings in named PDF presets,
ensuring consistent PDF file creation. You can even create printer’s marks and bleeds in the
resulting PDF file. Create your own preset values or use the predefined presets included in
Illustrator CS:
Illustrator PDF
for optimal preservation of transparency when exporting to other
Press PDF
for automatically flattening transparent elements for final print output
Acrobat 6 Layered PDF
to export top-level layers in Illustrator files to the Adobe PDF 1.5
file format. Acrobat 6 can display layers as optional content, such as alternative designs or
multilingual text
Some applications only support placing artwork as Adobe PDF version 1.3 which cannot
include live transparency. All transparency must be flattened when saving to Adobe PDF
1.3. Illustrator CS provides enhanced controls for flattening transparent artwork so you can
make trade-offs between quality and speed. Use any of the predefined transparency flattener
presets, or create your own to ensure consistency and save time.
New text composition engine
Adobe Illustrator CS has an entirely new text composition engine which includes advanced
support of OpenType fonts, the standard jointly developed by Adobe and Microsoft.
OpenType brings the advantages of both TrueType and PostScript font formats into a new
format that takes advantage of Unicode character encoding, and makes sharing documents
across platforms easier because the same font file can be used by Mac OS and Windows®.
The new text engine in Illustrator CS requires that when opening a document created in an
older version of Illustrator, type objects must be updated to the Illustrator CS type engine in
order to be edited. Upon opening the document, you choose whether to have the text remain
as it was designed until you decide to edit it, or to update all type objects immediately.
You can easily identify missing fonts in Illustrator CS to quickly locate and fix problems.
Illustrator CS automatically highlights fonts that are used in the document but not available
on the system so you can either install them yourself, or replace them with installed fonts.
Other features for print service providers
Illustrator CS lets you reliably print and export linked EPS and Adobe PDF files that interact
with transparency. When creating color separations, spot colors are maintained rather than
converted to process, unless specified otherwise in the print settings. Photoshop users can be