The following choices are available.
retains overprinting. This is the default for printing separations.
imitates the appearance of overprinting for a composite proof. It is useful when
you want the effects of overprinting to appear on a proof, providing a more accurate
impression of the final outcome of the printed file (as seen on screen with Overprint
Preview on.) When creating separations, this option is not available.
Best Practice:
Prepress / RIP options
may include discarding
overprint, which
should not be done in
general as overprint
and transparency
flattening will be
adversely effected.
specifies that any Overprint Fill or Overprint Stroke settings you have set in the
Attributes palette are not used.
Flattener presets:
Lists the three predefined and locked flattener presets for Low, Medium,
and High Resolution output as well as any custom ones you have saved. For details on how to
set flattener presets see the section “Flattening transparency.”
When you’ve finished making your selections, you can view and save a summary of the
print options you selected. You’ll also see warning messages which list any special things
you should note regarding spot colors, overprinting, areas that require flattening, Raster
Resolution settings that may be too low, and out-of-gamut colors.
Best Practice:
Save the summary file
and Printer style along
with the print files.
You can refer to it later
when a print job needs
to be rerun or changed
to know exactly what
settings were used.