PageMaker Plug-in Pack Features
Using the Template Browser
The Template Browser palette helps you organize
and manage your InDesign templates and
documents. Select, add, or save any InDesign
PageMaker or QuarkXPress document you want
to the Template Browser palette. You can also view
and edit the metadata, which is specific infor-
mation about the contents, origin, and history of
the document.
The Template Browser palette behaves like any
other palette in InDesign in terms of docking,
stashing, grouping, and showing or hiding the
Navigating the Template Browser palette
The Template Browser palette lets you preview
templates and other documents arranged in
categories. The Template Browser palette consists
of several areas:
The Preview area displays a JPEG preview of the
currently selected template. You can use the
Preview area to page through the selected
The Contents area displays a large thumbnail
view (default) of each template within a selected
category. You can change the thumbnails in the
Contents area to small, medium, large or
detailed. (See “Viewing templates” on page 67.)
The Template Browser palette menu contains
options and shortcut buttons to help you
efficiently work with your files.
The Metadata area shows the available
information for the selected template. Some
metadata fields are editable. (See “Working with
the Metadata area” on page 68.)
To open the Template Browser palette:
Do one of the following:
Choose Window > Template Browser.
Choose File > New > Document from Template.