User Guide Supplement
Specify other paragraph style attributes for the
style, and then click OK.
For details on working with styles, see
InDesign Help.
Using InBooklet
The InBooklet SE plug-in creates printer spreads
for professional printing.
Printer spread
refers to
two or more pages that fall next to each other on
a sheet of paper. For example, if you’re editing a
20-page booklet, the pages appear in sequential
order in the layout window. However, in printer
spreads, page 4 can be positioned next to page 17,
so that when the two pages are printed on the same
sheet, folded, and collated, the pages end up in the
appropriate order.
The process of creating printer spreads from
layout spreads is called
. InBooklet
provides five types of imposition: 2-up Saddle
Stitch, 2-up Perfect Bound, 2-up Consecutive,
3-up Consecutive, and 4-up Consecutive. (See
“InBooklet layout options” on page 52.)
Imposing a document using InBooklet
While imposing pages, InBooklet compensates
for plate margins, page gaps, bleed, creep, and
crossover trapping according to your
specifications. The layout of your InDesign
document is not affected, because the imposition
is all handled in the print stream. InBooklet
doesn’t shuffle or rotate pages in the layout of the
original document. However, you can create a new
document in which each printer spread is a
separate layout page.
The InBooklet dialog box showing the printer spreads that
make up this 24-page newsletter
To impose a document using InBooklet:
Choose File > InBooklet SE.
In the Layout panel, select Range if you don’t
want the entire document to be imposed, and
specify which pages to include in the imposition.
Use hyphens to separate consecutive page
numbers, and commas for nonadjacent page
numbers. For example, typing
2-8, 13
pages 2 through 8 and 13.
If you have divided the document into sections
of page numbers, you should enter section page
numbers (such as Sec2:11) in the Range field.
Set the following options:
Use the Layout panel to specify the printer
spread style and settings. (See “InBooklet layout
options” on page 52.)