Learning About Adobe InDesign CS PageMaker Edition
To create a quick design element for your
publication, use the Pen tool or Pencil tool to
draw new paths or to edit the paths from images
you’ve inserted into your document. Use the
scissors tool to cut paths apart. Combine
multiple paths into compound paths to create
unusual shapes with transparent areas. Convert
text to paths to create frames you can fill with
images, graphics, or other text.
Format text along any path in InDesign. Create
a 3D appearance and apply special effects, such
as 3D Ribbon or Gravity. Using slider
indicators, manipulate start and end points for
the text.
“Nest” text and graphics frames. Use any
object—including basic or hand-drawn shapes
and converted text—as a frame, and then paste
other frames into it to produce eye-catching
design elements in a few quick steps.
Give your shapes depth and dimension by
applying gradient strokes and fills to the shapes.
Specify linear or radial gradients, and then use
the Gradient tool to adjust the angle of the
linear gradient or the center point of a radial
For more information on transparency, paths
and shapes, type on a path, nested objects, or
gradients, see InDesign Help.
If you want to prepare your document for
To prepare a document for Adobe
PDF output,
add hyperlinks, bookmarks, and interactive
buttons that perform an action (such as
jumping to a page) when clicked in Acrobat
Adobe Reader
. You can also add movies and
sound clips that can be played in the PDF
To impose a document, such as a booklet, use
Export an Indesign document directly to
Produce color separations to separate the
composite art into its component colors.
Prepare a document for commercial printing.
Perform a preflight check and package files for
Repurpose documents for the Web. Using
and Adobe GoLive
, you can quickly
repurpose documents designed for print or
PDF for use on the Web.
Import and export XML tags.
For more information on interactivity,
separations, printing, or export to PDF, XML,
or GoLive, see InDesign Help.