8230E Optical Power Meter Operation Manual
4.7.2 Program Example 2
Dim OPM2 As Long
'USB handle
Dim myID1 As Long
'MYID which is set in OPM
Dim myID2 As Long
'MYID which is set in OPM
Dim ret As Long
'Driver return value
Dim siz As Long
'Number of the received data characters
Dim rstr As String
'Receiving buffer of the measurement data
myID1 = 1
'First MYID
myID2 = 2
'Second MYID
ret = ausb_start(10)
'USB initialization, time-out: 10 seconds
If ret <> OK Then
'If the USB initialization is performed
MsgBox "USB initialization error", vbExclamation
GoTo err_exit
End If
Call mSecSleep(100)
'Waits for the USB initialization (100 ms).
ret = ausb_open(OPM1, myID1)
'Opens the OPM of the first MYID and
obtains the USB handle.
If ret <> OK Then
'If the device is opened incorrectly
MsgBox "MYID 1 OPEN error", vbExclamation
GoTo err_exit
End If
Call mSecSleep(100)
'Waits until the OPM of the first MYID
opens (100 ms).
ret = ausb_open(OPM2, myID2)
'Opens the OPM of the second MYID and
obtains the USB handle.
If ret <> OK Then
'If the device is opened incorrectly
MsgBox "MYID 2 OPEN error", vbExclamation
GoTo err_exit
End If
ret = ausb_write(OPM1, "*RST,DW1,R11")
'Sending the commands: Initialization, W
display, and Trigger hold.
If ret <> OK Then
'If the command is sent incorrectly
MsgBox "MYID 1 transmission error", vbExclamation
GoTo err_exit
End If
ret = ausb_write(OPM2, "*RST,DW1,R6")
'Sending the commands: Initialization, W
display, and Trigger hold.
If ret <> OK Then
'If the command is sent incorrectly
MsgBox "MYID 2 transmission error", vbExclamation
GoTo err_exit
End If
ret = ausb_read(OPM1, rstr, 50, siz)
'Reads the measurement data: Up to 50 char-
If ret = OK Then
'If the command is received correctly
rstr = Left$(rstr, siz - 1) 'Deletes the terminator LF.
Cells(5, 1) = "OPM1"
Cells(5, 2) = rstr
'Writes the measurement data into the spec-
ified cell.
'If the command is received incorrectly
MsgBox "MYID 1 receiving error", vbExclamation
End If
ret = ausb_read(OPM2, rstr, 50, siz)
'Reads the measurement data: Up to 50 char-