Viewing System Status
LTPE-UG-1017-01 Issue 1
February 15, 2001
UTU-731 List 1 and UTU-732 List 1
Figure 26.
UTU-732 Monitor LTU Interface Screen
Table 18.
Fields Displayed in UTU-731 Monitor Interface Screens
G.703 Port
Errored Seconds
(ES) 24-Hour
The number of one-second intervals in which at least one bipolar
violation (BPV) or one CRC-4 error was detected at the G.703 input
port during the last 24 hours.
Severely Errored
Seconds (SES)
24-Hour Count
The number of one-second intervals during which a Loss of Signal
(LOS), an Alarm Indication Signal (AIS), or a Loss of Frame (or CRC-4
Multiframe) Alignment (LFA) occurred at the incoming port.
Seconds (UAS)
24-Hour Count
The number of seconds that G.703 input signals were unavailable
during the last 24 hours. After ten consecutive SESs, the system is
deemed unavailable, and the current UAS counter begins counting
from ten. After ten consecutive non-SESs, the system returns to
availability, and the ten counts representing the non-SESs are
removed from the UAS counter.