error detectIon and solutIons
Error detection and solutions
Should a malfunction occur during operation of the ABL Wallbox, this is shown by the
indicator LEDs on the lower part of the housing cover as an error code. To indicate op-
erating states and errors, the LEDs on the charging unit may ...
... be illumi-
... flash
... be extin-
The following chapter describes how you recognize operating states as well as error
codes and which measures you can take to resolve them.
Disruptions to the operation of the wallbox and solutions
For safe operation, the ABL Wallbox must be protected by an external MCB in the do-
mestic power supply as well as the internal RCCB(s). To take suitable measures and
restore operation in case of malfunction, you must first identify the type of error. The
following errors may occur:
Type of error Possible cause Suggested solution
LEDs are not
The wallbox
does not have a
power supply.
First, check the internal RCCB(s). Should power
be interrupted in the domestic supply: Check the
upstream MCB and switch it back on if required. If
the error repeats or occurs permanently, contact
ABL technical support.
An internal fault
has occurred in
the wallbox.
The wallbox must be replaced. In this case, please
contact ABL technical support.
The electric
vehicle is not
The charging
cable is not
properly plugged
Remove the charging connector from the vehicle
(in model variants with charging sockets: from the
wallbox as well) and plug them back in: Should the
error persist, check the Mode 3 charging cable and
contact ABL technical support.
The indicator
LEDs show
an error mes-
The ABL Wallbox
detects a mal-
Please reinitiate the charging procedure: If the er-
ror repeats or occurs permanently, take the wall-
box out of operation (see “Taking the product out
of and back into operation” on page 22) and
contact ABL technical support.