error detectIon and solutIons
Should the power supply be faulty, please take the wallbox out of operation
(see “Taking the product out of and back into operation” on page 22) and
contact ABL technical support.
Error codes and solutions
To represent certain errors, the charging unit LEDs will illuminate and flash in a spe-
cific, repeating pattern. Error codes F1 to F10 are displayed at 200 ms intervals: LEDs
may be illuminated or extinguished permanently, or may flash for 200 ms. You can find
the correlations between visual display and errors in the following list:
200 ms 200 ms 200 ms 200 ms 200 ms 200 ms 200 ms 200 ms 200 ms 200 ms
Error F1:
The main contactor
of the wallbox does not open.
The green LED flashes four times, the blue LED is
OFF, the red LED is continuously ON.
Error F2:
The firmware has
detected a disallowed operat-
ing state during the initial or
periodic self-test.
The green LED flashes three times, then the blue
LED flashes once, the red LED is continuously ON.
In both cases, switch the power supply off and then back on again. Should
the error persist, please take that wallbox out of operation (see “Taking the product
out of and back into operation” on page 22) and contact the specialist electrical
contractor who has performed the installation to resolve the error.
200 ms 200 ms 200 ms 200 ms 200 ms 200 ms 200 ms 200 ms 200 ms 200 ms
Error F3:
The internal DC fault
current module has detected
a DC fault current.
The green and blue LEDs alternately flash twice each,
the red LED is continuously ON.
If the error occurs for the first time, the charging procedure is interrupted
for 30 seconds and then restarted automatically. If the error occurs again immediately,
the charging procedure is terminated: a new charging procedure is only possible after
disconnecting the vehicle from the wallbox.