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1- Introduction and general information
cope and target audience
This product manual is a useful guide that will enable workers to safety
operate the invereter and maintain it in good working order.
If the equipment is used in a manner not specified in this manual, the protection provided by
the equipment may be compromised.
dditional information and documentation
In addition to this product manual , one may download additional product
documentation, including the Auroral Manager software required for
comumunicating with the inverter, by visiting www.abbsolarinverters.com
The ABB solar inverter help desk may be reached at 1-877-261-1374, 6am - 6pm (PST)
Monday-Friday. excluding major holidays.
perating and maintenance safety
Personnel in charge of using and maintaining the inverter must be
properly qualifiied and educated for the tasks, and must be able to read
and correctly interpret this product manual.
The installation must be performed by qualified installers and/or licensed
electricians, with experience in photovoltaic systems. Installation must
be in accordance with the NEC and any other local electrical codes.
The local electrical utility and/or authority having jurisdiction, AHJ, must
approve any installation before it is connected to the electrical grid
Anyone working on or around the photovoltaic system, especially the
inverter, must choose and use appropriate personal protective equipment