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2 - Characteristics
afault functionality and components of the inverter
- Advanced internal webserver
The UNO-DM-TL-PLUS inverters are equipped with a WLAN board
IEEE802.11 b/g/n and with an internal webserver that allow comis
sioning of the system, a full access to all main configuration and
parameters of the inverter and can act as local monitoring solution.
It can be accessed by using from any wireless capable device like
laptop, tablet or smartphone via a common browser.
- Aurora Vision Plant Management Platform
Aurora Vision is a cloud based platform enabling remote monitoring
and asset management of ABB devices in range of solar power applic-
Aurora Vision consists of a three different product:
Plant Portfolio Manager
is a full featured web based applic
ation used by solar power professionals to monitor and manage a
portfolio of solar power plants using ABB inverters.
Plant Viewer
is an easy to use web based serviced application
used by non-solar power professionals (such as homeowners or small
business owners) to monitor solar power plants they own.
Plant Viewer for Mobile
is the mobile version of
Plant Viewer
abling non-solar power professionals to remotely monitor their own PV
plants by using smart phones, tablets and iPod Touch with IOS and
Android operating systems.
All three product previously mensioned work toghether to allow solar power
professional and site owners to collaboratively manage solar power plant.
Please contact the ABB tecnichal support for getting your own plant portfolio manager account
(mainly for installers and plant administrators). Please get your Plant Viewer and Plant Viewer
for Mobile by accessing the website www.auroravision.net and click on “Register with Plant
Viewer” button (mainly for site owners).