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2 - Characteristics
- Remote Firmware Update Function
The inverter firmware can be updated remotely using the internal web
server dedicated section.
- Reactive power feed into the grid
The inverter is able to produce reactive power and can feed this power
into the grid via the phase factor setting. Managing the feed can be
set by the internal webserver, the display or through the configuration
software (Aurora Manager Lite).
Power feeding modes vary according to the country of installation and
the grid companies. For detailed information on the parameters and
characteristics of this function, contact
- Limiting the active power fed into the grid
The inverter, if enabled and set using the display or the Aurora Man
ager configuration software, can limit the amount of active power
fed into the grid by the inverter to the desired value (expressed as a
- Rapid shutdown (RSD) power supply
The inverter has 24Vdc (0.4A max) power supply on a spring-loaded
terminal block inside the wiring box, which is designed to be used to
power-up a RSD device.
unctionalities availbable with accessory board
The inverter can be equipped with advanced accessory board (UNO-
DM-COM KIT or UNO-DM-PLUS-COM Ethernet KIT) adding either:
- An RS-485 serial interface or the Ethernet communication interface
enabling the inverter to be used in one of the following operating mode:
Modbus Sunspec certified interface:
Thanks to the Modbus RTU/TCP communication protocol (Sunspec
compliant), the inverter can be easily integrated with third party mon
itoring and control system by using the accessory board (UNO-DM-
Please contact the ABB tecnichal support or get access to Sunspec alliance website for getting
the Modbus register map supported by the inverter.
- Configurable relay:
The advanced accessory board provides also a configurable switching
relay, which can be used in different operating configurations that can
be set in the dedicated menu.
A typical example of application is the activation of the relay in the
event of an alarm.