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7 - Operation
1. Vstart
This section of the menu is used to set the Vstart activation voltage (for
the two channels separately if they are configured independently) to ad
apt it to the needs of the system. This voltage imposes a minimum input
voltage on the inverter above which connection to the grid will be attemp
We advise changing the activation voltage only if really necessary and to set it to the cor-
rect value: the photovoltaic generator sizing tool available on the ABB website will indicate
whether Vstart needs changing and what value to set it to.
2. Input Mode
This section of the menu allows you to set the input configuration mode.
In particular:
Independent configuration of the two input channels.
This configuration is set by default.
Parallel configuration of the input channels (single input chan
nel). Other hardware settings must be set on the inverter to set this
mode. Refer to the paragraph “Parallel channel configuration”.
3. Input UV Delay
This section of the menu allows you to set the time for which the inverter
stays connected to the grid after the input voltage has dropped below the
Under Voltage limit (set at 70% of Vstart).
This value can be set from 1 to 3600 seconds (60 seconds is the default
Example: With Input UV Delay set at 60 seconds, if voltage Vin drops below 70% of Vstart at
9.00, the inverter stays connected to the grid (taking power from it) until 9.01.