- 141 -
8 - Maintenance
- Code on display
- Error message
- Signal
Name of Alarm and Cause
- E036
- Vout Avg error
Alarm LED
Average of the measurements of grid voltage out-
side of range:
The average value of the grid voltage (sampled every 10
minutes) does not fall within the permitted ranges. The
grid voltage in the point connected to the inverter is too
high. This may be caused by too high a grid impedance.
In the final stage of the timeout, the inverter limits the
power to check whether the grid voltage has stabilised
into regular parameters. If this does not happen, the in-
verter disconnects from the grid
• Check the grid voltage in the connection point to the inverter.
- If the grid voltage differs from the range due to the conditions
of the distribution grid, ask the operator to adjust the grid volt
age. If the operator authorises a change to the inverter's param-
eters, agree the new limits with customer assistance
- String self test fail
Error during the automatic check of the string
voltages (only in models with the “fuse-control”
In some inverter models it is possible to carry out the
check test of the polarity of the strings connected to the
input (e.g.:TRIO-20.0/27.6kW).
This error signal occurs when, during the test stage, an
inverted string is recorded
• Section the inverter and check the polarity of the string(s)
which the inverter has recorded as inverted.
- Once all the strings have been correctly connected, activate
the system once again; the inverter will once again check the
correct polarity of the string inputs at the end of which it will
carry out the checks for the grid connection.
- If the problem persists (once the inverter has been switched
off and back on again), contact customer assistance.
- AC FF Error
Alarm LED
Error in the “AC feed-forward” circuit:
Error inside the inverter
• Error inside the inverter and cannot be checked externally.
- If the problem persists (once the inverter has been switched
off and back on again), contact customer assistance.
- AFDD Activated
Arc Fault protection activated:
Possible photovoltaic arc detected on the DC side.
• If it is the first time this problem has occurred, press the ESC
button for 5 seconds and wait for the unit to restart.
- If the problem persists (once the inverter has been switched
off and back on again), contact customer assistance.
- AFDD Fault
Alarm LED
Arc Fault board autotest failed:
Problem detected during the AFDD board autotest
• Error inside the inverter and cannot be checked externally.
- If the problem persists (once the inverter has been switched
off and back on again), contact customer assistance.
- AFDD comm. Fault
Alarm LED
Arc Fault board communication error:
Error on the RS485 serial communication detected be
tween the inverter and the AFDD board.
• Error inside the inverter and cannot be checked externally.
- If the problem persists (once the inverter has been switched
off and back on again), contact customer assistance.
- AFDD wrong conf.
Alarm LED
Arc Fault board parameter reading error:
Error in the parameter reading by the system.
• Error inside the inverter and cannot be checked externally.
- If the problem persists (once the inverter has been switched
off and back on again), contact customer assistance.
- Over Temp. (from
external box)
Alarm LED
Excessive temperature measured inside the invert-
er's wiring box:
High internal temperature.
This error relates to the temperature measured on ex-
ternal boxes (e.g.:TRIO-20.0/27.6kW).
• Check that the inverter is not exposed to direct sunlight. Wait
for the temperatures to which the inverter is exposed to return
to the operating range and for the inverter to cool down.
- If the problem (once the ambient temperature has returned to
the range) persists, contact customer assistance. Remember
to wait the time needed to allow the inverter to cool down
- Vbulk reading error
Alarm LED
Input voltage (Vin) higher than booster voltage
The error occurs if the input voltage exceeds the Bulk
voltage (voltage on the DC-DC circuit inside the in-
• It is necessary to measure the input voltage inside the inverter
with a voltmeter.
- If it is higher than the maximum voltage of the operating range,
the alarm is genuine and it is necessary to check the configura
tion of the PV generator. If the voltage has also exceeded the
maximum input threshold the inverter could be damaged.
- If it is lower than the maximum voltage of the operating range,
the alarm is caused by an internal malfunction and it is neces
sary to contact customer assistance.
- Pin vs Pout check
Alarm LED
Error in the check of Pin vs Pout:
The error occurs if the difference between the meas
ured value of input power and that of output power is
greater than the limit imposed internally to the inverter.
• Error inside the inverter and cannot be checked externally.
- If the problem persists (once the inverter has been switched
off and back on again), contact customer assistance.
- Internal Error
Alarm LED
Error in the system configuration:
Error inside the inverter
• Error inside the inverter and cannot be checked externally.
- If the problem persists (once the inverter has been switched
off and back on again), contact customer assistance.
- Riso Test fail
Alarm LED
Riso test error:
Problem detected during the Riso test phase.
• Error inside the inverter and cannot be checked externally.
- If the problem persists (once the inverter has been switched
off and back on again), contact customer assistance.
- Wrong Sequence
Alarm LED
Incorrect Phases connection
(Only triphase models) The phases have not been con
nected correctly to the AC output
• Invert two of the phases of the network wiring to the AC termi
nal block of the inverter.