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8 - Maintenance
alculation of second-level password (Service menu, Admin Plus)
In order to obtain the second-level password needed to access the
inverter's display service menu or to obtain the “Admin Plus” privileges
in the internal webserver, contact ABB Technical Sales (1-877-261-1374)
keeping the following information on hand:
- Serial number of the inverter. This information can be found on the
product label giving the identity details of the inverter or on the display by
accessing the “Inverter > Info > Serial No.”.
The serial number consists of 6 digits (the last 6 in models with a label
giving a 10-digit S/N)
- Production week. This information can be found on the product
label giving the identity details of the inverter or on the display by
accessing the “Inverter > Info > Serial No.”.
The production week consists of 4 figures, indicating the week (first 2
digits) and the year of production (last 2 digits)
Update Version
- This information is available only for some inverter
models and can be found on the display by accessing the menu
“Inverter > Info > Firmware”.
The password obtained enables access also to the advanced “Installer” mode present on the
configuration software for inverters (Aurora Manager LITE). The configuration software can
be downloaded in a specific section of the website
Password 2°level
Password 0000