- 144 -
8 - Maintenance
- Message on display Name of Derating and Cause
- LIMxxx% CODE:05
Power limitation due to excess temperature:
The message indicates that a power limitation is active since
an excess temperature condition has been recorded inside the
inverter (This parameter depends also on the power which the
inverter must provide since the measurement of temperatures is
taken internally and is influenced by the heat dissipated by the
components of the inverter itself).
LIM xxx% = Power reduction percentage
LIM 100% = no power limitation
LIM 50% = limitation to 50% of the output nominal power
• Check that the inverter is not exposed to direct
sunlight. Wait for the temperatures to which the in-
verter is exposed to return to the operating range
and for the inverter to cool down.
- If the problem (once the ambient temperature has
returned within the range) persists, contact custom-
er assistance.
- LIMxxx% CODE:06
Power limitation for input over-voltage:
The message indicates that a power limitation is active since an
input overvoltage (DC) has been recorded.
LIM xxx% = Power reduction percentage
LIM 100% = no power limitation
LIM 50% = limitation to 50% of the output nominal power
• It is necessary to measure the input voltage inside
the inverter with a voltmeter.
- If it is higher than the maximum voltage of the op-
erating range, the alarm is genuine and it is neces-
sary to check the configuration of the PV generator.
If the voltage has also exceeded the maximum input
threshold the inverter could be damaged.
- If it is lower than the maximum voltage of the op-
erating range, the alarm is caused by an internal
malfunction and it is necessary to contact customer