Profibus-DPV1/SPA Gateway
Installation and Commissioning Manual
SPA-ZC 302
After the configuration is downloaded and the gateway has started, the defined
indirect SPA message is used by writing its assigned number (8 bit) to Query slot 15
Index 5. The value of the 7th bit in the number shall be changed in order to trigger
the gateway to send the message to the SPA slave.
Assume that there is a defined indirect SPA message with number 1. When
writing value 0x81 to Query slot 15 Index 5, the gateway sends the message
to the SPA slave. Next time the value 0x1 shall be written into slot 15 Index
5 in order to trigger the operation.
Setting the static data to zero in the configuration enables the use of Indirect SPA
value, which means that the gateway uses the value in slot 15 index 6 in the SPA
command, see Section Indirect SPA Messages.
Write the value (32 bit) to Query slot 15 Index 6 before triggering the sending. Keep
in mind that this value (and the static data value) is scaled in the same way as the
cyclic parameters values, see Section Scaling of messages, for example, if
the decimal place is 1 and scaling value 1 is scaled to 0.1 on SPA bus.
It is recommended to check the module status after indirect SPA messages to ensure
that the message response indicates no errors.
The response to the sent indirect SPA message can be read from response slot 17.
The data is set up as follows:
SPA request status can be found in slot 17 index 0. The length of the SPA status is
two bytes. See the status code in Table 6.4.-1.
If the response from the SPA device contains data, for example the value of the
current measurement, it can be found in slot 17 index 1. The length of the data is four
The status word in response slot 17 can have one of the following values, see Table
Table 6.4.-1
Indirect SPA messages error table
Description Error
No Error
No error has occurred
SPA Slave-Checksum Error
SPA message contains a checksum error
SPA Slave-Busy
SPA slave is busy
SPA Slave-Input Buffer Overflow
SPA input buffer overflowed
SPA Slave-Msg too Complicated 0x8003
Message from the master is too
complicated for the slave
SPA Slave-Reserved High Lvl
Reserved for higher level of
SPA Slave-Syntax Error
Syntax Error. Incorrect message type or
category etc.
SPA Slave-Missing data
Slave does not contain all requested data
in the message
SPA Slave-Impossible Address
Addressed data is impossible to write or
SPA Slave-Not Validated
Data in write message not validated