2TLC172188M0201, rev. H
4.15 Printing measurements
Measurements can be printed or saved as pictures from the print form. This form is reached from the graph form by
clicking the button “Print graph”.
In the drop list “Available printers” you can choose between the installed printers on the computer and look at a
print preview by clicking the button “Print preview”. In the text field in the frame “Additional text” additional
information that should be on the print can be entered.
By clicking on the button “Save to file” you can save the graph as a picture instead of sending it to a printer. A new
form is opened where you can select the file name, file type and where to save the file. There are three
alternatives: Bmp, Jpg and Gif. Bmp files are uncompressed and take up large disc space. Jpg and Gif are formats
that compress the images which reduce picture quality but take up much less disc space.
The button “Print” opens up a new form where you can select which printer to use and its properties. The button
“Close” closes the form.
Company logotype on prints
In the top left corner of the print and the saved picture, there is a field intended for company logotypes. As a default
Jokab Safety’s logotype is displayed. The picture that is shown is in Smart Managers installation folder and is
called company_logo.bmp. Switch or change this file to a file with your own company logotype with the same file
name (the formats .jpg or .gif also works). The field on the print is adjusted for a bitmap of 292 x 112 pixels.