2TLC172188M0201, rev. H
The conditions of a phase
These are the functions of the 14 conditions in each phase:
the phase is activated without delay or checking of any conditions. (For “Phase 1” this
means immediately when “Start measurement” is pressed.)
the phase is activated when the entered time has elapsed, measured from the time that the
conditions in the previous phase were met. If the checkbox isn’t marked the condition is
the phase is activated when the set condition for the position is met.
The button “+”/-“ shows if the direction of movement should be positive or negative for the
condition to be met. The button “>”/”<” shows if the position should be larger or smaller than
the entered value for the condition to be met. If the checkbox isn’t marked the condition is
the phase is activated when the set condition for the speed is met.
The button “+”/-“ shows if the speed should be positive or negative for the condition to be
met. The button “>”/”<” shows if the speed should be larger or smaller than the entered
value for the condition to be met. If the checkbox isn’t marked the condition is ignored.
the phase is activated when the set condition for the analogue input I9 is met. The button
“+”/-“ shows if the change in the analogue value (the derivative) should be positive or
negative for the condition to be met. The button “>”/”<” shows if the analogue value should
be larger or smaller than the entered value for the condition to be met. If the checkbox isn’t
marked the condition is ignored.
same as above, but for I10.
the phase is activated if the checked signal is/becomes active (See above for determination
of active high/active low.)
The out signals of a phase
By checking one of the out signals Q0-Q3 in the “Switch” frame, that signal switches value when the set condition
for the phase is met.
In the frame ”Setup” the setup of the measurement can be changed.
The drop list ”Select setup” contains previously saved measurement setups that are
loaded when selected.
The button ”Clear setup” clears all current checkboxes and entered values for the setup.
The button ”Save setup” opens a form where the current setup can be saved for future
Starting a measurement
A measurement is started with the button “Start measurement”.
This sets the system in a state where the conditions in phase 1 are monitored. It’s not
until any of these conditions are met that any data is recorded.
The button “Cancel” closes the form.