2TLC172188M0201, rev. H
The column ”5 mm/s” shows the same as the previous column but for 5 mm/s and the column “0 mm/s” shows the
same as the two previous columns but for 0 mm/s, i.e. when the machine has completely ceased to move or
started moving backwards.
By clicking in the squares in the bottom of each column a marker is placed in the graph to show where in the
measurement this occurred.
Different ways of calculating the stop time
The reason the table has different ways of calculating stop times is that these ways are currently being discussed
in standardization committees for some types of machinery. Normally the difference in time between the different
ways of calculating the stop time is not more than a few ms for faster moving machines e.g. eccentric presses. For
slower moving machines the stop times can differ a lot more, however with a much shorter stop distance. The last
two mm a machine moves are in most cases not a dangerous movement and can often be excluded from the stop
time calculation to get a reasonable stop time in relation to the risk. Which of these ways to use for the calculation
is dependent on the machine, its speed of movement, the risk assessment and authorities.
Digital in and out signals
Along the left side of the graph window checkboxes are shown for the digital in and out signals. By checking a
checkbox that signal is displayed in the graph.
Controlling the graph
The tabs in the bottom left corner are used to zoom in and out and to move
the graph. The bright tab indicates which tab is selected.
The arrows move the graph window. Up/down affects the selected graph.
Right/left affects all visible graphs. With the double arrows the window is
moved to the beginning or end of the measurement. The buttons ”Y-zoom”
”+” and ”-” zooms along the y-axis for the selected graph. The buttons ”X-zoom” ”+” and ”-” zooms along the x-axis
for all graphs. The checkbox “display” must be checked in order for the selected graph to be shown in the graph
window. If the checkbox “Invert” is checked the selected graph is inverted around the x-axis.
The buttons to the right of the tabs can also be used to zoom.
The button ”Zoom stop” zooms in on the stop area of the graph, if it exists in the measurement.
With the button ”Zoom box” a specific area of the graph can be zoomed using the mouse
cursor. The button ”Zoom out full” zooms out so that all of the measurement in visible in the
graph window.
The button “Undo zoom” cancels the last zoom and displays the previous zoom.
In the centre under the graph window the two custom markers are controlled.
The button ”Clear markers” removes all markers from the graph
By clicking ”Marker1” and then clicking in the graph window a
marker is placed in the graph. The same goes for ”Marker2”.
In the textbox to the right of the marker button the x-value where
the marker was placed is shown in ms. A marker can also be placed by entering a value in this textbox. The y-value
of the marker is shown in the grey textbox to the right. By choosing a graph in the drop list the markers are placed
on that graph and the values in the textboxes and units are changed accordingly.
In the two bottom textboxes (Marker difference) the difference between the markers are shown both in time and y-
values. By clicking “+” and “-“ the markers are moved one step (one ms) forwards or backwards in the