2TLC172188M0201, rev. H
The large grey textbox displays messages from the program.
Controlling a measurement
The button “Save Measurement” shows a form where measurement information can be
entered and the measurement can be saved (see chapter 4.12). The button “New
measurement” closes the current graph and opens a new measurement form with the
same settings as the current graph. The button “Print graph” opens a form where the
current graph window can be printed together with measurement information. The button
“Exit” closes the graph form.
In the menu on top of the graph form four selections are visible: ”File”, ”Options”, ”Calculations” and ”Help”.
Under ”File” the same alternatives as the four buttons in the lower right corner can be found. Under ”Options” are
the following alternatives:
”Edit analogue conversion” shows a form where the values and units of the analogue input can be
selected. (See chapter 4.6)
”Change signal names” shows a form where the digital in and out signals can be renamed.
”Layers” shows a form where the current graph window can be saved as a template and used to compare
with other measurements. (See chapter 4.11)
”Manual zoom” displays a form where the zoom can be manually adjusted after exact numbers. (See
chapter 4.11)
With ”Change custom
stop speed” the custom stop speed can be selected.
By unchecking ”Display stop time data” the table with stop time data is hidden in the graph window.
By checking ”Use marker labels” the labels that help to tell the different markers apart are shown.
By checking ”Use analogue conversion” the selected analogue conversion is used in the graph. (See
Under ”Calculations” the following alternatives can be found:
”Statistics” displays some statistics from the measurement, for instance the stroke length of the machine
and min. and max. values for the graphs.
”Stop time and safety distance” shows a form where the stop time can be calculated based on multiple
measurements and the minimum allowed safety distance for the machine can be calculated.
Under ”Help” information about the program version can be found.