2TLC172188M0201, rev. H
This is how you compare measurements:
1. Save the measurements you want to compare to the database.
2. Load a measurement you want in the background from the database.
3. Adjust the zoom for the area of the graphs that you want to compare.
4. Add the measurement as a layer by clicking on “Options” – “Layers” in the menu and click on “Add current”,
“Apply” and “Exit”.
5. Close the graph window and load the next measurement.
(The curves are shown on top of each other with different zoom.)
6. Repeat no 4 – 5 for the measurements you want to have in the background.
(When you perform no 4 the zoom is adjusted according to the previous layer.)
7. Finish by loading the measurement you want to have on top and then do no 4.
Manual zoom
There is also the possibility to manually adjust the zoom by
clicking “Options” – “Manual zoom” in the menu of the graph
form. A small form is then shown where the zoom can be
specified. If a layer has been saved before, the same zoom
can be set by clicking the button “Last configuration” and
then “Apply”.