2TLC172188M0201, rev. H
Performing a measurement
When clicking “New” in the main menu the New measurement form is displayed. From here the current status of
the system can be seen and the information needed to perform a measurement can be entered.
Current data
The top left frame (Current data) shows the current inputs and outputs of Smart.
”Position, I8” shows the current position for the transducer on I8 in mm.
”Speed, I8” shows the current speed of the transducer in mm/s.
”Analogue input, I9” shows the current value for the analogue input on I9.
”Analogue input, I10” shows the current value for the analogue input on I10.
The position encoder can be reset to zero with the button ”Reset position”. If the position needs to be changed to a
specific value you can enter the value at which the position should be set to zero in the textbox to the right before
resetting the position. If the current position for instance is 15 mm too large you enter ‘15’ in the textbox before
pressing the reset button.
With the button “Change positive direction” the direction of increasing position is changed. Current positive
direction is displayed in the picture to the right of the button.