Venture 3-Line Telephone with Answering Device User Guide 69
Memory key
Eight memory keys
are located on the lower right side of
your Venture phone. When
programmed with a number, a
memory key enables you to dial
frequently called numbers by
pressing the memory key twice.
Memory keys can also be used to
activate telephone company services
and Venture features.
Message Waiting
If you
subscribe to a call messaging service
from your telephone company, you
will see this prompt on your display
when a message has been left for you.
Navigational keys
The four
arrow keys that surround the action
key (
. With these
keys you can move up, down, and
sideways through the Callers list,
Directory, Phone list, Redial list and
Services list.
In the Venture
system, a system configuration in
which the first line must be the same
on all the phones, but the other lines
can be arranged in any order.
Phone list
The name and
identification number of all phones in
a Venture system are automatically
stored in this list. You can view
Phone list information by pressing
when your phone isn’t busy, or by
accessing your Public Directory.
Plain Old Telephone Service
is what you receive during a power
failure. You can receive and make
calls on line 1, but you cannot use
any other lines or features. The
display on your phone is blank when
your phone is operating in POTS
Square system
A system
configuration in which the same lines
in the same order appear on each
See Home run.
Teladapt jack
A wall jack that is
the termination point for the
telephone lines being connected to
phones or other communications
equipment in a building.
Termination module
Aastra solution to problems that
sometimes occur when analog
phones share lines with phones in any
KSU-less system.
Tip and ring
The pair of wires
provided for each telephone line
from the telephone company’s
central office.
Twisted pair
Two insulated
copper wires twisted around each
other to reduce interference.