User Manual ENGLISH
WHG-Series Wireless WLAN Controller
Copyright © 2017, 4ipnet, Inc. All rights reserved. All other trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners.
Password Change: to set “Allow” so that
when a user with the applied Privilege Profile has the
flexibility to change their login password
Maximum Concurrent Sessions: when a user with this Privilege Profile reaches the session limit,
this user will be implicitly suspended from any new connection for a fixed time period.
Disable timeout for this group: to set “Enable” so that
the clients who are applied by this policy
will not be logged out automatically. Note that enable this option may increase the loading of the
QoS Profile:
to edit traffic configuration. If the bandwidth throttling is required, administrators are able to
check the checkbox and select the second QoS after the specific duration when clients complete
Traffic Class: Each policy can be configured its own traffic class and different Traffic Class
Remarking can be set for IPv4 and IPv6 in the same Traffic Profile.
Group Total Downlink: to define the maximum bandwidth allowed to be shared by clients within
this group.
Group Total Uplink: to define the maximum bandwidth allowed to be shared by clients within this
Individual Maximum Downlink: to define the maximum bandwidth allowed for an individual client
within this group; the Individual Maximum Downlink cannot exceed the value of Group Total
Individual Maximum Uplink: to define the maximum bandwidth allowed for an individual client
within this group; the Individual Maximum Uplink cannot exceed the value of Group Total Uplink.
Individual Request Downlink: to define the guaranteed minimum bandwidth allowed for an
individual client within this group; the Individual Request Downlink cannot exceed the value of
Group Total Downlink and Individual Maximum Downlink.
Individual Request Uplink: to define the guaranteed minimum bandwidth allowed for an
individual client within this group; the Individual Request Uplink cannot exceed the value of
Group Total Uplink and Individual Maximum Uplink.
Specific Route Profile:
The default gateway of WAN1, WAN2, or a desired IP address can be defined in a
policy. When Specific Default Route is enabled, all clients applied this policy will access the Internet
through this default gateway.
Preferred DHCP Pool: if the authenticated users release the expired DHCP IP addresses, the system will
issue IP addresses within the preferred DHCP Pool. It can be configured in Service Zone DHCP.
: if the clients associate to the managed APs under split tunnel, only firewall profile setting can be
applied. However, selected 802.11ac wave 2 APs support QoS profile, which means there is a bandwidth
control function for each authenticated client under split tunnel.
: Policy 1-x (model dependent) can be applied to specific group of users in different Service Zones.
Policy 1 has the highest priority, and Policies with the higher number shall be the first applied Policy.
: If a user is not applied by any User Policy, at least, the Global Policy will take effect.