Step 3:
A checkbox appears called “Add pre-preparation scan”.
Step 4:
Tap the checkbox.
Step 5:
Proceed to the Scan page.
Step 6:
Select the pre-preparation scan page (already selected if restoration is in lower jaw).
Step 7:
Scan the required area.
Step 8:
The Mark preparation tool opens.
Step 9:
Mark the center of the area.
Step 10:
Go to the preparation scan page.
Step 11:
The marked area is now auto deleted, and the rest is locked to avoid unwanted changes to
the scan.
Step 12:
Finish your preparation and begin scanning until the deleted area is filled out again.
Option 2
Step 1:
Scan patient's teeth before their preparation is done. This order is called a pre-preparation
Step 2:
Send pre-preparation order to the lab to have them make the temporaries.
Step 3:
Patient comes in for a second appointment once the Dentist receives the temporaries.
Step 4:
Open the existing pre-preparation order and select
with the pre-preparation scan
A new order is created automatically and the content of the pre-preparation order is copied into the new
Step 5:
Prepare patient's teeth.
Step 6:
(delete) the teeth that have been prepared.
Step 7:
Re-scan the preparation area starting from the surface next to the preparation (for the
system to recognize some of the 3D structures to start on.
Step 8:
Send the new order with the pre-preparation and preparation scans to the lab.