User manual
Step 4: fill in the value of the sample interval in the text box of the sampling interval;
Step 5: absolute or delte in the drop box of the sample type;
Step 6: fill in the threshold in the text box of the rising and falling edge;
Step 7: fill in the event number in the text box of the event's rise and fall;
Step 8: click the "add" button.
6.6.5 DHCP Server configuration
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) is usually applied in large local area network environment,
the main function is centralized management, IP address allocation, obtain IP address, gateway address,
DNS server address information to network environment host dynamics, and can promote the rate of use
of address. DHCP Server configuration
DHCP Server enabled, the device is used as a DHCP server, by setting the static allocation address table
to achieve, the device can be connected to other devices connected to the device IP address.
In the menu bar in order to click on the main menu, advanced configuration, DHCP Server configuration,
DHCP Server configuration to enter the DHCP Server configuration interface, the interface can enable /
disable DHCP Server.
(Figure DHCP pool configuration
In the menu bar, click "main menu", "advanced configuration" and "DHCP server configuration", "address
pool configuration into the address pool configuration interface, the interface can add, delete address pool
and view address pool configuration information.