User manual
Step 1: check the port to enable port GMRP on the enabled check box;
Step 2: check the ForwardAll's check box to enable ForwardAll;
Step 3: fill in the Join time in the text box of the Join time;
Step 4: fill in the Leave time in the text box of the Leave time;
Step 5: fill in the LeaveAll time in the text box of the LeaveAll time;
Step 6: select Normal, Fixed, or Forbidden in the Registration drop-down box.
Step 7: click the "Settings" button. GMRP group
In the menu bar in order to click on the "main menu", "layer 2 configuration", "GMRP configuration",
"GMRP group" access to view the GMRP group interface, the interface can view the information of the
GMRP group.
(Figure )
6.5 Network security
6.5.1 Access control
In the menu bar, click on the "main menu", "network security", "access control" access control interface,
the interface can be configured to access rules and filtering rules.
(Figure 6.5.1)
Access control configuration:
Step 1: fill in the IP address in the text box of the IP address;