User manual
(Figure 6.3.2)
Causes the broadcast storm is a variety of reasons, for example, between the switches, a redundant or
incorrect connection, forming a loop, broadcast packets multicast packet through the switch is forwarded
to the other port received broadcast packets and multicast packet port will continue to broadcast, resulting
in the network and broadcast storm. In some cases, the broadcast storm control to prevent a malicious
attack people. For example: DOS (denial of service) attack, DOS by a host requests to a broadcast
address to send ICMP, leading to other hosts respond to this broadcast address, due to the DoS attack
broadcast storm.
If the storm control function is enabled, this attack can be prevented. For the type of storm, we test the
three types of packets:
Broadcast packets: data frame of the destination address of FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF
Multicast packets: destination address is XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX data frames, second x is odd numbers
such as 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, b, d, and f, x represents any digit.
Unknown unicast packet: the MAC address of the data frame does not exist in the internal index table of
the device, which needs to be forwarded to all ports.
Storm suppression configuration step:
Step 1: in the broadcast text box, enter the inhibit value, range is 0-1000000;
Step 2: in the unknown multicast text box to enter the value, the range is 0-1000000;
Step 3: in the unknown unicast text box, enter the inhibit value, range is 0-1000000;
Step 4: click the "Apply" button.