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Identification: MD-AL-GI-00
Rev. 1.1 of 15/03/2021 - Application: GID
User’s Manual 3PH 50000TL-60000TL-V1
Rev. 1.1 15/03/2021
“Incorrect, try again!” press the “Back” key and enter the password again. When the password entered is
correct, you can enter the menu. Now you can use the “Up” and “Down” keys to select the “1. Enable” or “2.
Disable” option and select it with the “OK” key. If the “1. Enable” option is selected, you will be able to use the
“Up” and “Down” keys to select the options “Under-excited”, “Grid Manager”, and “Over-excited”, and you can
indicate the value of the reactive power produced for each of them (expressed as the value of cosφ=*.**). If
the setting is successful, “OK” will be displayed; otherwise, “Error” will be displayed.
Power derating
Select “18. Derating P(W)” and press “OK” to enter the relative menu, from which you can enable the
“Derating” function, i.e. the possibility to set the power produced by the inverter. The display will show
“Enter PWD!”, press “OK” to enter the password. Enter the password “0001” using the “Up” and “Down” keys
to select the number and “OK” to move to the next one, and confirm. If the display shows “Incorrect, try
again!” press the “Back” key and enter the password again. When the password entered is correct, you can
enter the menu. Use the “Up” and “Down” keys to set the option “1. Enable” and “2. Disable” and select with
the “OK” key. If the “1.Enable” option is selected, use the “Up”, “Down” and “OK” keys to select the percentage
value (between 0 and 100) of the maximum power that the inverter will produce; if the solar radiation
allows a greater amount of energy to be produced, the inverter will carry out the necessary operations to
limit the output power to the set value. If the setting is successful, “OK” will be displayed; otherwise, “Error”
will be displayed.
Grounding check
Select “19. Check PE Line” and press “OK” to enter the menu for checking the ground line. The display will
show “Enter PWD!”, press “OK” to enter the password. Enter the password “0001” using the “Up” and “Down”
keys to select the number and “OK” to move to the next one, and confirm. If the display shows “Incorrect, try
again!” press the “Back” key and enter the password again. When the password entered is correct, you can
enter the menu. Now you can use the “Up” and “Down” keys to select the “1. Enable” or “2. Disable” option
and select it with the “OK” key. If the option “1. Enable” is selected, the function for checking the ground line
will be executed and the inverter will not start producing power if the grounding line is not present and
properly connected; this setting is active by default on all three-phase inverters. If option “2. Disable” is
selected, the inverter will start operating and it will produce power even without the ground connection line.
If the setting is successful, “OK” will be displayed; otherwise, “Error” will be displayed.
P(grid) Check
Select “20. P(grid) Check” and press “OK” to enter the relative menu, from which you can enable the “Reflux
Power” function, i.e. the possibility to set the maximum power fed into the grid. The display will show “Enter
PWD!”, press “OK” to enter the password. Enter the password “0001” using the “Up” and “Down” keys to
select the number and “OK” to move to the next one, and confirm. If the display shows “Incorrect, try again!”
press the “Back” key and enter the password again. When the password entered is correct, you can enter the
menu. Use the “Up” and “Down” keys to set the option “1. Enable” and “2. Disable” and select with the “OK”
key. In this way the inverter can feed a maximum power of between 0 kW and the rated power of the inverter
into the national grid, based on the solar radiation available and the domestic consumption. If the setting is
successful, “OK” will be displayed; otherwise, “Error” will be displayed.
To activate the Reflux Power mode in three-phase inverters, it is necessary to install the Anti Reverse
Power Controller and three CT sensors, as described in the appropriate procedure. This device can be
purchased from suppliers of photovoltaic materials.
The size of the inverter and power value you wish to feed into the grid must be specified at the time of