Shanghai ZLAN Information Technology Co., Ltd Tel: +86-17321037177 http://www.zlmcu.com
the device search, parameter modification, P2P function call, etc.
Details can refer to <ZLAN WinP2p and Device Manage Development Library>.
14. Serial Port Modify Parameters
The user can read parameters and set parameters by sending instructions to the serial port
of serial device server. It
’s suitable for users that choose chips or module level products to
control and configure through serial port. The parameters that can be set include: IP address,
baud rate, device name, work mode, etc. After the new parameters are set, the serial device
server can be restarted through serial port instruction.
The ZLAN serial port instruction has the following characteristics:
1) Serial port instructions adopts data lead code of 10 bytes, no need to use additional
configuration of polling up-down pins to distinguish whether communication data or
command, also no need to switch command mode and communication mode, more
flexible and convenient for using.
2) The command set contains a variety of command formats such as saving parameters,
not saving parameters, and restarting the device.
3) Can achieve a variety of applications, such as read the MAC address of the serial device
server, such as change the work mode of the serial device server from the TCP server to
the TCP client mode, can connect to the server actively; You can disconnect from the
server when switching from TCP client to TCP server.
The detailed operation method of serial port modifying parameters can refer to: <Serial Port
Modify Parameters and Hardware TCPIP Protocol Stack>.
15. Remote Device Manage
The remote device manage is that can use ZLVircom software to maintain and manage for
device, including restarting device, modifying parameters and upgrading firmware. This
function is suitable for users who manage the device through ZLVircom.