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Figure 42 Connection Status and Data Send-receive Status
6.3 Data Sending and Receiving
When the Link light becomes blue, the software and the serial device server can do data
receive and send. Here if the software send a data the Active light will become green,
last for at least 1 second. The data also will output from the serial port of the serial device
server, and whether the output data is still correct you need to check whether the serial
port parameters (baud rate, data bit, stop bit, parity bit) are configure correct.
For the correct sending instructions the serial device server usually will reply, once there
have the reply (serial port send data to Ethernet port), the Active will become to blue, or
else please check the serial port parameter or the serial port line connection whether
have problem.
In order to facilitate remote debugging, ZLVircom also supports remote watch the send
and receive data, as shown in figure 42, the TXD is the amount of the data output by
serial port of the serial device server, when refresh the device list, the value changing
means that there have sending data, the Active light also be green; if you see the RXD
value is changing it means the serial device return data, the Active light is blue.
6.4 ZLVircom Remote Monitoring Data
In the case of virtual serial port, ZLVircom supports real-time fetching the send-receiving
data of virtual serial port. Convenient for user debugging system, usage as below:
Assume that here already establish the communication of virtual serial port according to
the method of 4.4 Virtual Serial Port Test, now there need to monitor the data through
virtual serial port. Open the ZLVircom Menu/Config/Software Setting to open the vircom
configuration dialog.