Shanghai ZLAN Information Technology Co., Ltd Tel: +86-17321037177 http://www.zlmcu.com
users to connect devices around the world without need to build a complex cloud platform.
The specific use method refers to the document of <ZLAN P2P Introduction>.
12. Modify Parameters of Ethernet Port
The modification parameters of the Ethernet port is to realize the functions of searching
device and modifying device parameter for ZLVircom software, as through the Ethernet port
of the serial device server to manage device and modify parameter. Suitable for integrating
search and configuration functions into user software.
The modification parameters of the Ethernet port are realized through the "UDP manage port
protocol", such as:
1) The computer software sends UDP broadcast packet with destination port of 1092 on
the network. When the device receives the packet, it will return its information to the
computer software to achieve the purpose of searching device.
2) The computer software sends UDP modification parameter commands to the 1092 port
of the device to achieve the purpose of modifying the device parameters.
The detailed introduction of the modification parameters of the Ethernet port can be referred
to the document <UDP Manage Port Agreement of ZLAN Networking Products>. It can also
be implemented directly using the device management function library of the 13 Device
Manage Function Library.
13. Device Manage Function Library
This feature is suitable for users who need to integrate the device manage functions into their
own software.
The "UDP manage port protocol" has been integrated into the device management function
library ZLDevManage. This is a development library of DLL Windows platform, which can be
called by various development tools such as VC, VB and Delphi.
Provide detailed introduction file of API interface and Demo cases of calling VC. It can realize