Shanghai ZLAN Information Technology Co., Ltd Tel: +86-17321037177 http://www.zlmcu.com
written to ZLAN1043 inside, then ZLAN1043 will send specific instructions, and
sent to the cloud according to the fixed format, need to add a MCU for data
acquisition and protocol conversion on printed circuit board.
Figure 5 Instrument Collection
3) Serial port to Ethernet port gateway: ZLAN1003 itself is a powerful single chip of
serial device server, if you need to implement serial port to Ethernet port
gateway function, need to add external MCU, also without software
development. In addition, ZLAN1003 has RS485EN pin, which can support all
kinds of 485 chips.
1.4.4 Seamless connection with the original serial port procedures.
Figure 6 No Modification for User MCU Serial Port Program
Many RS232/RS485 devices have UART interfaces inside the original MCU, and the
internal procedures of MCU have been developed. For the following reasons, users
may not wish to redevelop the internal procedures of MCU:
1) The MCU serial port program has been verified for many years and is stable
and reliable. If redevelop it to interface such as SPI, there will be stability