Shanghai ZLAN Information Technology Co., Ltd Tel: +86-17321037177 http://www.zlmcu.com
out without configuration. Note: any time you update httpd.txt, you need to re-power on
the device.
10.2 Case of Transcoding Implementation
Because the transcoding function is more complex and longer, here don
’t introduce the
detailed usage, if need it, ZLAN engineer can write the configuration file httpd.txt, which
can also provide the configuration file httpd.txt with existing case. The typical cases are
as follows:
1) Fixed command translation and conversion.
2) Complex command transformation: the conversion of commands with wildcards,
which can shift and assemble commands, such as non-standard RS485 instructions
to standard Modbus RTU instructions.
3) Multi-TCP connection identification: when there are multiple TCP connections, the
Ethernet port sending data to serial port may add 4 byte prefixes of the IP +port. The
serial port sending to the Ethernet port, you can also add the IP a port to
send the data to the specified TCP connection.
4) Increase the MAC address to identify the device before sending TCP or UDP.
5) IP filtering: the device only receives data from the Ethernet port that specifies the IP
6) IO pin control: controls the level of some output pins by arbitrary specified
7) Automatically check the contents of the instrument of the lower position, and send
the instructions to the cloud software in the fixed format after assembly.
8) Realize heartbeat package and the register packet function for any length with
wildcard characters.
9) Combine multiple serial port instructions and send them to the cloud.
10) The super long serial port instruction is split into several smaller instructions to be