USER GUIDE - Rev.5 (January 2018)
WAN interfaces allow users to utilise the services of public operators and are a very useful
alternative, in view of their geographical coverage and the fact that they are easy to put into
The cable modem is the necessary device to access the services of the cable operators.
The MV PLC is a good option for transmitting information from the different Transformation
Centres to a Main Substation. There are two types of interface for Powerline
Communications through the Medium voltage network:
A high speed BPLC interface, designed especially for urban environments in which mid-
distance levels must be covered, since the transformation centres are very close to each
A low speed SSPLC interface which allows much greater distances to be covered,
designed for rural environments where the quantity of information to be transmitted is
much smaller and priority is given to covering longer distances and accessing more
remote areas.
For injecting the PLC signal in the Medium Voltage networks, Wideband PLC couplers are
used, adapted to that technology, and to the different installation sites. The available range
is described in