Chapter 4, "Application Examples," includes specific examples of
the ZT 8825 in operation, including code to implement these
applications. Examples include initializing the ZT 8825 as continuous
memory and as extended memory.
Chapter 5, "Configurable Options," details the various jumper-
selectable options on the ZT 8825.
Appendix A, "Jumper Configurations," lists the ZT 8825 jumpers
in numerical order and describes the function of each. This appendix
also indicates the factory default configuration and includes a figure
that shows the location of each jumper.
Appendix B, "Specifications," includes electrical, mechanical, and
environmental specifications for the ZT 8825.
Appendix C, "Hardware Quick Reference," supplies a centralized
location for frequently referenced tables and illustrations.
Appendix D, "Customer Support," offers a product revision
history, the Ziatech warranty, and the necessary information should
you need to return your ZT 8825 for repair.
Appendix E,
"Glossary," lists definitions for acronyms and
important terms used in the manual.
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