Appendix D: Troubleshooting
Console LCD displays the word “PROGRAM”
The Program/Run switch is in the programming position. For normal operation it should
be in the run position. Flip the switch to the other position. The switch is located on the
bottom of the unit and the positions are unlabeled.
Console LCD displays “CPS Data Error”
This error message can be caused by any of the following problems:
• The configuration file that you just sent to the console was not successfully
transferred, because of a serial port parameter mismatch. If you are using CPSW on
Windows XP, close the application and try again. If you are using CPS, check that
your serial port settings are correct (9600, N, 8, 1, no flow control).
• The battery is too weak or has died. Check the battery voltage and replace if
• The configuration is invalid. Use CPSW to send a known, valid configuration to the
console. See
Scratchy or no audio on older consoles
Older consoles may suffer from oxidation on the P4 connector pins (see
on page 103). A short-term fix is to remove the Tone Remote
System Adapter, clean the P4 pins, and reseat the adapter. A long-term fix is available in
the form of a gold-pin upgrade. Contact Zetron for more information.
Erratic behavior on 4-year or older consoles
Certain types of audio no longer occur when some options are removed
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