Appendix B: CPSW Reference Material
Instant Select
Instant Select differs from the normal Select function in that after the Select is performed,
a DC or Tone control function is sent. This is normally used on a multi-frequency base
station to select a channel at a desired frequency. Several Instant Select keys may be
assigned to a single channel even though only one can be active at a time.
Instant Select with Voting
If you chose instant select with voting, you must also pick the Auxiliary input that will
receive the voter result. This input indicator will be illuminated whenever the voter picks
this particular input. The input must have been previously defined using the System
Configuration menu.
Instant Transmit
The Instant Transmit function will cause the transmitter on the assigned channel to
activate even though the channel is not selected. The selected channel will not be affected.
Volume and Mute Keys
Volume Adjust (Knob)
The volume adjust key allows the volume of a specific channel to be set or changed at the
console. Pressing the key will cause the current volume level (in percentage) to be
displayed. Turning the “channel volume” knob while holding the key down will cause the
volume level to be changed with the new value displayed on the console display.
Mute Adjust
This is a dual function key and is more correctly called the “Volume Adjust/Mute”
(abbreviated “V-Adj. Mute”). Pressing and releasing the key causes the channel's received
audio to be muted. The red light by the key will remain on while the channel is muted.
Pressing again will unmute the channel. Pressing and holding this key will allow the
channel volume to be set as described in the preceding paragraph, “Volume Adjust”.
Volume Up (Key)
This key is assigned to a specific channel to allow “one hand” volume adjusting. Pressing
this key will cause the current volume setting to be displayed. Holding the key will cause
This is an indication of the voter result only. The channel is NOT
selected by the voter input.
If the key being defined is associated with a spare input and the
channel is multi-frequency tone or DC control, you will be asked to
select a function tone to be used when this key is activated.